Big Star Baby Quilt Tutorial -15 Minutes of Play Quilt

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Written by

Sarah Markos


Big Star Baby Quilt

I loved how my 15 Minutes of Play Quilt turned out, and I'm calling it my Big Star Baby Quilt. I had a question about the dimensions of the blocks for it and I thought I’d just share my measurements today, so you could reproduce it if you like. I must say I used this quilt design by Confessions of a Fabric Addict as my inspiration.  

Big Star Baby Quilt Tutorial

The finished quilt measures about 40’’ X 40’’, a nice baby quilt size.

Cutting Dimensions

The cuts are for the quilt top only! I made my own fabric from scraps inspired by the work of Victoria Findlay Wolfe using techniques I learned in 15 minutes of Play

1. Center Square - Cut from scrappy fabric

  • 8 1/2’’ x 8 1/2"

2. Center Sashing - Gray polka dot

  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 12 1/2’’
  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 8 1/2’’

3. Surrounding blocks that form the “Star” (12 total)

  • 4 - 6 1/2’’ squares of gray polka dot
  • 4 - 7 inch squares of scrappy fabric cut into 8 Half Square Triangles (HSTs)
  • 4 - 7 inch squares of Gray polkadot cut into 8 Half Square Triangles

Sew the HSTs together to form 8 star points.

4. Star Sashing - Gray polka dot

  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 24 1/2’’
  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 28 1/2’’

5. Scrappy Blocks - Cut of scrappy fabric

  • 32 - 4 1/2’’ Squares

6. Outer Sashing

  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 36 1/2’’
  • 2 strips 2 1/2’’ X 40 1/2’’

Sewing the Quilt

Start with the center block and then add each section working outward.

Big Star Baby Quilt layout

I think next time I make this I would enlarge the center square and decrease the width of the inside sashing to 1 1/2" ... to maximize scrappy-ness of course. Hope this helps! If you make a Big Star Baby Quilt using these dimensions I'd love to see it!

Happy sewing!

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

3 thoughts on “Big Star Baby Quilt Tutorial -15 Minutes of Play Quilt”

  1. Hi Sarah! Just to say that I looooove your 15 minutes of Play quilt. The concept is great, love de colors and YES, I really love the softy look of the non batting quilt. What a great idea the use of minky fabric, looks like the warmy hug of mom! Love Love Love!

  2. Hi Sarah! Just to say that I looooove your 15 minutes of Play quilt. The concept is great, love de colors and YES, I really love the softy look of the non batting quilt. What a great idea the use of minky fabric, looks like the warmy hug of mom! Love Love Love!


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