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Written by

Sarah Markos


Hi there!  I bet you've noticed a few new things over here.  I have some exciting news to share.   First of all  I finally started a Facebook page, so you can now follow me that way if you'd like.  Also, I officially reopened my Etsy shop.  I frequently get asked if I have any bags for sale so I'm listing them here on Etsy for the Fall while I'm getting ready for my upcoming craft fairs.  Here are some pictures of the handbags I recently made and listed. I am calling this style the Penelope shoulder bag. You may recognize it from this post

I am really loving this simple style lately.  This gray one is my favorite!

You can see more photos on Etsy.

Okay! One last piece of exitement...I get to go to the International Quilt Market in October! Oh yeah, I can't even tell you how excited I am about this.  I'm going with my friend Caroline of Sew Can She and I think I've got my Mom and Sis on board as well. 

Houston here we come!!!!
About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

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