A Crayon Roll….Bag

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Written by

Sarah Markos


Today we had a little friends party to go to so this morning I made up a little bag I'd been wanting to try.  I used Made on Maple's Crayon Roll Bag Tutorial. So easy and fun!! 

I made a little mistake and sewed the crayon pockets one inch apart instead of 7/8 in....which means it only holds 7 crayons not 8.  Oops!  But it's a great tutorial and I highly encourage you to try making one yourself.  And yes, if you look closely, you see I stuffed it with used crayons for the quick picture.   We stopped on the way to pick up some crayons and a little travel coloring book to stuff inside.

I really should try to be a little less last minute.  Maybe my new years resolution should be to start making birthday gifts the day we get invited to a party.  Will I remember to make this resolution come January?  Not likely.  Though it would be nice to be able to get a good shot of something I make before I whisk it off to give it away... I'll think on that.

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

8 thoughts on “A Crayon Roll….Bag”

  1. It will take me a month to attempt to do that bag!! I bet she loved it!
    You should open an Etsy shop!!

  2. It will take me a month to attempt to do that bag!! I bet she loved it!
    You should open an Etsy shop!!

  3. It will take me a month to attempt to do that bag!! I bet she loved it!
    You should open an Etsy shop!!

  4. It will take me a month to attempt to do that bag!! I bet she loved it!
    You should open an Etsy shop!!

  5. So glad you tried the tutorial!! I keep thinking when I have spare time (which will be never) I should make a few of these to just have on hand. They are so fast and make the cutest little gifts.

    Great job with all your pics! I see you are enjoying the new camera!!

  6. So glad you tried the tutorial!! I keep thinking when I have spare time (which will be never) I should make a few of these to just have on hand. They are so fast and make the cutest little gifts.

    Great job with all your pics! I see you are enjoying the new camera!!

  7. So glad you tried the tutorial!! I keep thinking when I have spare time (which will be never) I should make a few of these to just have on hand. They are so fast and make the cutest little gifts.

    Great job with all your pics! I see you are enjoying the new camera!!

  8. So glad you tried the tutorial!! I keep thinking when I have spare time (which will be never) I should make a few of these to just have on hand. They are so fast and make the cutest little gifts.

    Great job with all your pics! I see you are enjoying the new camera!!


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