Folded Fabric and Foundation Piecing

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Written by

Sarah Markos


Has it really been a week since I posted last??  I have to admit that I got hooked on the Hunger Games series last week and every minute I'm not mothering, I've been reading those books.  I'm half way done with the third. But I said I would post pictures of my mom's fabric refolding efforts so tonight I am posting instead of reading. First, let me just say that my mom is the ultimate crafter.  She has been sewing all my life, designing and making doll dresses among other things.  She made my wedding dress too.  She also is a craft show queen.  When I was in high school she would even organize and run them.  Now she attends a ton of craft fairs every year selling her doll patterns, ornaments, paintings, and most recently jewelry.  She taught me everything I know about sewing and is my go to source for ideas and all creative questions.   While she was here she wanted to help me out a little so she refolded my fabric stacks,which had gotten a bit unruly, and grouped them by color.  How lovely to have this done with entirely no effort of my own.  Thank you Mom!!

She also painstakingly went through my scrap bag and sorted them by color into large ziploc bags. Love this idea.

  No more digging through the bag to find that one certain piece I know I saved.

When she was done she sat down at the machine, opened up a scrap bag and showed me how to do strip piecing (or foundation piecing).  It's where you take a long piece of foundation fabric and add little pieces of fabric to it one at a time.

 You lay your fabric face down where you want it and stitch 1/4 inch from the left edge.

You trim the excess fabric making sure the foundation piece is out of the way so you have a nice tidy seam.

Then fold over and press.  Eventually you get something like this... which could be used for a quilt, an accent pocket on a bag, a zipper pouch, a hot pad, etc. 

Thanks for teaching me a new trick, Mom. It was so fun to have you here.  Too bad you don't live closer, what fun times we would have sewing and doing craft shows together.
About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

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