Beach Bag to Book Bag

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Written by

Sarah Markos


My husband came back on Thursday. So I'm blogging a little less and catching up on sleep. I have still been making things though, and I whipped up another bag.  My daughter's grade does not allow them to use backpacks (Lame! They have to use case-it's instead...I won't go into all the unsatisfactory details.)  Well the school year's 3/4 of the way through and many kids don't use their Case-its anymore, Mer is one of them.  She has taken to using my beach bag which is large cheap reusable grocery type tote I picked up at the Gap a couple of year's ago.  The handle finally ripped the other day and Mer wanted one just like it.  After browsing a couple of stores she realized she wasn't going to find what she wanted and consented to let me make her one.

So I used the other one as a pattern and made a new tote for her, with a few upgrades of course.

 First of all I used a more sturdy fabric and lined it as well.  The fabric is a decorator weight Amy Butler print called Star flower tiles in Ivory from her Nigella line.  It was one I had in my fabric stash and Mer fell in love with it when I showed her.  It took 1/2 a yard.

Because the schoolbooks don't fill it up all the way, I added a snap to the sides to reign in the extra material.  I'm hoping to use this as a beach or pool bag once summer hits and then I'll need all that extra space. 

The inside is lined with Osnaburg, a rough natural cotton type of material.  It is usually inexpensive and is found at Joann with the ticking and upholstery fabric. It makes a great natural looking lining.  The handles are made from twill and constructed like bias tape.  This is probably the easiest, fasted bag I've ever made.

 I'll be making more for sure and probably doing a little tutorial as well.

 Happy sewing!

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

4 thoughts on “Beach Bag to Book Bag”

  1. Cool bag, she's going to be the envy of her friends.
    I was interested to see what a case it is, but the link didn't work. Backpacks are the best thing for kids due to weight distribution.

  2. Cool bag, she's going to be the envy of her friends.
    I was interested to see what a case it is, but the link didn't work. Backpacks are the best thing for kids due to weight distribution.

  3. Cool bag, she's going to be the envy of her friends.
    I was interested to see what a case it is, but the link didn't work. Backpacks are the best thing for kids due to weight distribution.

  4. Cool bag, she's going to be the envy of her friends.
    I was interested to see what a case it is, but the link didn't work. Backpacks are the best thing for kids due to weight distribution.


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