Sew Your Scraps Challenge – Sew 15 Minutes a Day!

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Written by

Sarah Markos

Sew Your Scraps Challenge - Sew 15 Minutes a Day!

New year, new sewing goals! Come join me in my #sew15minutesaday sewing scraps challenge. Want to see what just showed up on my doorstep last night? 

Scraps beautiful scraps! 

Anna Maria Horner Scrap bag

I got some fun fabric mail!! I thought I'd share these with you because looking at fabric is just a fun as getting it in the mail. I grabbed this scrap bag from last month and it arrived today!

beautiful scrap fabric

I already have too many scraps, of course, but I think it's fun to have the sewing challenge of figuring out what to do within some limited parameters. This little scrap bundle will become a new travel pouch or two for me. 

box full of scraps

Here is a whole box of scraps. (see how I didn't need more). Some of the scraps are sorted by color group and bagged (thanks mom!) but most are just a jumble. 

Scraps sorted by color

This year one of my goals is to sew through this box of scraps to see how many actual quilt tops I can make. How many "large throw size" tops do you think this box could yield? Put your guess in the comments below! I'll post updates as I sew. I also have a poll going on in my Instagram stories to guess how many yards of fabric are in this box. What do you think? I'm going to weigh it to find out. 

Want to join my Sew Your Scraps Challenge?

Now I know that sewing my way through this box of fabric is too big of a goal for me to accomplish by just saying that I'm going to do it. I know myself well!! So I've set my self a little mini goal to help me make a little progress each week. I also know that trying to cut all of these pieces up into uniform sizes is NOT what I want to do.

I've decided to sew each day using the "15 minutes of Play" method and make these scraps into bigger pieces of fabric. No plan or thinking, just sewing!!  The idea comes from Victoria Findlay Wolf's book, "15 Minutes of Play" (aff. link) that I picked up from quilt market one year . I wrote post all about out the book HERE.

Find an update on my sewing challenge progress in this blog post..

Sew Your Scraps Challenge Sewing Progress

15 Minutes of Play - Sew 15 Minutes a day!

 I love this idea! I love how she uses her "made" fabric in traditional quilt designs.  I also love the idea of accomplishing goals in baby steps... baby step sewing is right up my alley!!  I am going to sew my scraps together for 15 minutes each day. Here is what I put together in my first 15 minutes using my purple bag! 

Purple scrap blocks

Baby step sewing!!

I may put together a quilt top similar to this one from Wombat Quilts

I will figure that out though when I've got more sewn together for the scraps challenge. 

Anyone else out there have scraps they need to use? Want to join me in my "15 minutes a Day " Challenge? Let me know in the comments below.  No prize except the promise of a sewing friend.  It would be fun to connect and share progress pics. Tag me @bluesusanmakes on Instagram!

Find an update on my sewing challenge progress in this blog post..

Sew Your Scraps Challenge Sewing Progress

#sew15minutesaday #sewyourscrapschallenge

Happy Sewing!

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

2 thoughts on “Sew Your Scraps Challenge – Sew 15 Minutes a Day!”

  1. I would love to join you in eliminating & sewing my scraps. I’m on a similar mission for this year.

  2. I would love to join you in eliminating & sewing my scraps. I’m on a similar mission for this year.


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