A Quick T-shirt Skirt with a Matching Flower

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Written by

Sarah Markos


 My daughter and I had some time to kill on Friday so we went shopping and I let her pick out a couple of things. She found this black sweater that she liked because it is like one that she saw her teacher wear ($10 Kohls).  We thought it would look good with some leggings but come Saturday night she was getting her clothes laid out for church and she was trying to figure out if she had a skirt she could wear with it.  I remembered one of her dad's old t-shirts in my clothing to recycle pile and I made it into a skirt.

To make it I cut the shoulder seams and had her try it on and marked where to make the seams. Then I laid it down and drew nice lines so I'd know where to sew.  (tip: this should be a no brainer, but... turn it inside out before you mark it and sew it... I forgot to and the inside doesn't look quite as nice as the outside. I had to cut the seam and turn it right sides together to re-sew it. Luckily I had drawn on it with washable marker.)

When I serged the seam it came out super wobbly.

So I had to make an adjustment on my serger's differential feed and practice on the scrap edge until I got it right. (from 1.0 to 1.75?)  After that I got nice smooth seams.

I hemmed up the bottom and waited until morning to try it on so I could finish the waistband.  Unfortunately all my mess ups turned into a skirt that was "too tight" up top.  Because it was so snug I didn't even put a waistband on it.  No worries, no one will ever see the top right?

With the leftover scraps on the sleeves I make flower for her hair.  I'm always eyeing the petal pushers over at the Pleated Poppy. So this is my attempt at making one.  If I had anymore fabric I would have added a few more sections to make it a little more full.

 She liked it enough to wear it too.  Yahoo!

 And that was our sewing adventure for the weekend.  Actually I did a bit more sewing as well.  I finished up three custom purses, and made another onesie dress for a baby shower.  I'm a little frustrated that I didn't get to take pictures of them, but sometimes life is just too busy for a picture.

Bye for now!!

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

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