Presenting Superman! Want to learn how to make a DIY Superman Logo? Acutually, you can use this tutorial for any logo you want to fuse onto a shirt really! Perfect for Halloween Costume sewing.
The Story Behind the Superman Costume
My littlest is getting into playing dress-up, and even though he is the littlest of 3 boys, we really don't have many of boy costumes that will fit him. Last week he told me he wanted to be Superman for Halloween. He was Superman for Halloween when he was 1 and his old costume is a bit too small.
It was all he could talk about, so the next day we went to fabric store for some fabric to make a new one. And because he asked me everyday if his Superman suit was done, I diligently sewed it up last week.

The middle brother quickly put on one of our other size 3T costumes and showed little brother some moves.

Most importantly, he gave him tips on how to fight the bad guys.

Okay, okay, the details: I made the cape long ago, when the biggest brother was the only brother. Actually I made both of them back then. The underoos underwear admittedly were from back then as well. I have saved them for costume purposes but they really should be remade. If you are looking to make a Batman Cape check out my Hooded Bat Cape Pattern!

I used the Batman jammies as a pattern for the Superman clothes. Like this..

One tip I've learned when you are using clothing as a pattern, cut half of it out and then fold it in half and then cut the rest out, to make sure each side is the same. If you don't want to make your own PJ set there is a great company that sells colorful basics that are great to use for costumes called Primary.com. Check them out!

After the clothes were made I appliqued the symbol.
DIY Superman Logo - How to Make Fusible Fabric Applique Logo
Convert the logo image and print the size you need
1. Download a free clip art image and insert it to a "drawing" in Google Drive. From your Google Drive homepage click "+NEW" then "more" from the drop down menu and you'll see "Google Drawings".
2. Copy the image and Paste (Ctrl V) the image into the drawing.
3. Highlight the image and go to the Format tab and click "Format options" You'll see "Size" and "Rotate"
4. Under "Size", click "lock aspect ratio" and change the width of the image to the size you need. I measured the chest area of the shirt to get an idea of the size I wanted. Mine was about 6.5" across. remember the image size is for the square box around the image so you may need to add a little to your measurement to account for it.
5. Flip the image! Under 'Rotate" Click "flip horizontally". We need the image to be reversed for tracing onto the adhesive.
6. Print the image.
Transfer the image onto fusible fabric applique adhesive such as Heat n Bond Lite (aff link)

7. Trace the whole image onto paper side of a paper backed fusible adhesive. This will be for the red layer on top. Note: I used Heat n' Bond Lite so I could sew around it after fusing. You can also use Heat n 'Bond Ultra (aff links) if you don't want to sew around it (it won't hold up as long but will work for a few wears before peeling off. Do NOT try sewing through Heat n'Bond Ultra. It will gum up your needle. I learned this the hard way.)
If you look closely you can see that there is a paper side and shiny glue side. Trace the image onto the paper side.

8. Trace the symbol a second time just to the inside of the outer edge to make a slightly smaller shape to go underneath in gold.

Cut out and fuse the DIY Superman Logo
9. Roughly cut around each piece without cutting on the lines. (Use paper scissors for this.)

10. Fuse the shiny side of the adhesive to the wrong side of the fabrics according to the manufactures instructions. (full symbol on red, smaller symbol on gold)
11. Using sharp scissors cut out the symbols right on the traced lines.
12. Peel the paper backing off the gold symbol (now the adhesive is on the fabric). Fuse the symbol to the front of the shirt with an iron. Peel and fuse the red symbol on top.

13. Sew around the edges with a zigzag stitch. Then continue to sew the shirt together.

Littlest brother likes his super suit so much that he is even sleeping in it tonight. He informed Doug, as he was getting ready for bed, that Superman wears "this many underwears" (holding up 2 fingers). I persuaded him that Superman usually hangs up his cape before he goes to bed. Then told me he wanted to watch Superman tomorrow to see if he could see inside his house. I love this cute kid!
One little man ready for Halloween and it's not even October. This is a record for me. Are you getting ready for Halloween yet?
Have you tried this technique before?
For more Halloween Costume inspiration check out my HALLOWEEN COSTUMES page
My 4yo just told me that she wants to be a witch, and I'm so relieved! I think I'm just going to make her a cute skirt that she can wear with a black t and some striped leggings!
The boys are so cute!
My 4yo just told me that she wants to be a witch, and I'm so relieved! I think I'm just going to make her a cute skirt that she can wear with a black t and some striped leggings!
The boys are so cute!
My 4yo just told me that she wants to be a witch, and I'm so relieved! I think I'm just going to make her a cute skirt that she can wear with a black t and some striped leggings!
The boys are so cute!
My 4yo just told me that she wants to be a witch, and I'm so relieved! I think I'm just going to make her a cute skirt that she can wear with a black t and some striped leggings!
The boys are so cute!
I LOVE your kids! Luke is so dang cute… Love the costume, too, Sarah– reminds me of when My own little bro was Superman. He was about the same age, too. 🙂
I LOVE your kids! Luke is so dang cute… Love the costume, too, Sarah– reminds me of when My own little bro was Superman. He was about the same age, too. 🙂
I LOVE your kids! Luke is so dang cute… Love the costume, too, Sarah– reminds me of when My own little bro was Superman. He was about the same age, too. 🙂
I LOVE your kids! Luke is so dang cute… Love the costume, too, Sarah– reminds me of when My own little bro was Superman. He was about the same age, too. 🙂
Great costumes. I love the fancy shiny applique. And the button on the cape.
Great costumes. I love the fancy shiny applique. And the button on the cape.
Great costumes. I love the fancy shiny applique. And the button on the cape.