Onward and Upward Quilt: Designed with a Clever Fold and Sew Technique

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Written by

Sarah Markos


Onward and Upward Quilt - Blue Susan makes

Hello Sewing friends, I finished a quilt this week!! This quilt was one of those unfinished quilt tops that has been waiting in the closet forever. I love how it turned out!! I love the movement produced by the repeated graduated colors so I named it the Onward and Upward Quilt. 

Finished Onward and Upward Quilt

Quilt on a fence - Modern Quilt guild Challenge - Onward and Upward Quilt - Blue Susan makes

Why I made this quilt...

I originally designed this quilt top as part of a Modern Quilt Guild Challenge from a few years ago. This weekend I made it my goal to find a great backing for it and after a lot of looking I finally found the perfect one at my Local quilt shop Boutique 4 Quilters.  

Flaming fabric Quilt backing by Tula Pink - Blue Susan Makes

My tricky fold technique

The front of the quilt looks like it has been pieced using special diagonal cuts but the "pieced" look is made by folding the quilt top after it is sewn and adding a seam at just the right spot to make each line match up with the line below it.

Modern Quilt guild Challenge - Onward and Upward Quilt - Blue Susan makes

It creates the illusion of intricate piecing. The Onward and Upward quilt is constructed like a simple long cabin by alternately sewing strips to the 2 straight sides of a large triangle set on point. 

Modern Quilt guild Challenge - Onward and Upward Quilt - Blue Susan makes

I intended to add an extra navy blue strip to the sides to make the quilt wider but alas I could not find the same navy colored fabric. Not all navy fabrics are created equal!

Modern Quilt guild Challenge - Onward and Upward Quilt - Blue Susan makes

Onward and Upward Quilt Tutorial coming soon!  

 I'm working on a tutorial for this and I was almost finished with it until I realized I calculated the cuts all wrong. Ugh! It has been too long since I've made it to remember it accurately. I'll have to make another one. Please let me know if you are interested in a tutorial and I'll bump it up on the list. Did you finish any quilts this week? 

Have a great week!

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About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

4 thoughts on “Onward and Upward Quilt: Designed with a Clever Fold and Sew Technique”

  1. This quilt is wonderful! It really shimmers and shakes. I love the modern look. Good luck recreating it for a pattern!


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