Learn how to make an easy Bunny Puppet for little hands to play. Add a matching Pat the Bunny book and you have a sweet toddler gift. Read on to get the free Bunny Puppet Template and instructions on how to make one below.
We love the book Pat the Bunny at our house. We had a birthday party to go to for a cute little one year old and I thought it would be fun to give or favorite baby book with a little something handmade to go with it. So I whipped up a little Bunny Puppet for his older siblings to show to him and play. I like how it turned out so much that I thought I'd share the pattern with you all!
Easy project for a child to learn to sew
This project is so easy it would be a great one for a child to make who is learning how to sew. There is a little hand sewing, machine sewing along a line, and fabric cutting practice.
When they are finished they'll have a little toy to play with for their younger sibling or they can put on a puppet show. The finished puppet is small and is the perfect size for little hands to use comfortably. It would also make a fun and quick Christmas gift.

Supplies you'll need to make a bunny puppet
- Water soluble Marking Pen I used THIS ONE (affiliate link)
- 1/4 yard of white felt or polar fleece 2 sheets of felt will work but the felt sold on the bolt is much thicker and nicer. You can even splurge for wool felt which will hold up nicely and not get pills as it wears. You can also use fleece but will make a bunny with more floppy ears. If you do, be sure to cut out the pattern with the stretch of the fleece going around the bunny's tummy.
- Black Embroidery floss and a Needle
- Print the Bunny Puppet Pattern clicking on the link should take you to a free PDF.
Make the Bunny Puppet
1. First, cut out the Bunny Puppet pattern template. Lay it on a piece of felt or fleece and trace around the Bunny Puppet Pattern using a water soluble fabric marker.

2. Don't forget to transfer the markings for the eyes and mouth and be sure to stitch along them with a few strands of embroidery floss before you sew the bunny puppet together. Oops, I waited until the end to sew the face which was trickier than it needed to be.

3. Stack your felt piece on top of another piece of felt that is about the same size and sew along the traced line. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end.

4. Using a pair of sharp scissors, trim around the bunny puppet stitching leaving about 1/4 inch seam allowance.
5. Rub away the marking pen using a Q-tip dipped in water. This is the fun part. It is like magic how easily the pen fades away.

There you have it, a fun bunny puppet to gift! Quick and easy right? Perfect for baby showers or to tuck in an easter basket.

Happy Sewing!