Super Easy Sleeve Tie Tutorial: Soccer Mom Sewing

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Written by

Sarah Markos


How to make a sleeve scrunchie - DIY Easy Sleeve Tie tutorial

Hi everyone, This is the last week of our I Am a Soccer Mom series! Today I'm going show you how to make a quick and oh sew easy sleeve tie, also sometimes called sleeve scrunchies. These are perfect for cinching up oversized uniform shirt to help keep you little athlete cool.

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How to make a sleeve scrunchie - DIY sleeve scrunchie tutorial

It is HOT here in Florida. Especially in August, which happens to be when Fall Soccer season starts.  Sometimes the uniforms my kids get are huge and every inch of excess fabric makes you that much hotter.  

Looking for more Soccer Mom Tips? check out these posts!

You can buy sleeve ties or sleeve scrunchies like these to cinch up the excess fabric.  They cost about $5-10 if you can find them. Or you can MAKE some sleeve scrunchies for a whole lot less money and only a little bit of effort.  Actually I think you could make enough for the whole team in just an hour.  Plus you can customize them and make them match your uniform.

How to make Easy Sleeve Ties with Ribbon and Velcro

For 1 Set You'll need

Two 7 inch lengths of Grosgrain Ribbon (you can use any width of ribbon)

2 small pieces of Sew-on Velcro to match the ribbon width.  If you buy this online it will be way more than you need. BUT can buy this by the inch at your local Joann store and get just what you need...and use a coupon. 

Sleeve scrunchie supplies

Sewing Instructions

I sewed mine together but I bet you could even make these with just a hot glue gun.

1. Fold the ribbon over 1/2 inch. Place one half of the Velcro over the raw edge and sew around the Velcro. Backstitch at the end. 

2. Flip the ribbon over and repeat step 1 with the other half of the velcro on the opposite side of the ribbon 

sew velcro onto each ribbon end

See how the raw edges of the ribbon are tucked under each Velcro piece.

make sure they are on alternating sides

A few minutes later and you'll have a couple of sets done. 

narrow and wide sleeve scrunchie - sleeve ties for hot weather

Easy Right? I sure think so! 

"I am a soccer Mom" sewing series

Looking for more Tips tutorials to get you through the soccer season? Here are rest of the posts in this Series

5 Tips to get you out the door ON TIME!
Waterproof Blanket Tutorial
Sideline Survival Activities
Soccer/Camping Chair Cover
Meal Prep with Ducks in a Row
Drawstring Backpack Tutorial

Like my style? Check out my Blue Susan Etsy Shop where you'll find more beautiful handbags and easy-to-read PDF sewing patterns for sale.

About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

8 thoughts on “Super Easy Sleeve Tie Tutorial: Soccer Mom Sewing”

  1. I made 31 pairs of these for my daughter and her Girls on the Run group – the girls loved them! Thanks for the tutorial and I love this 'Soccer mom' series – we're in the middle of soccer and baseball, so thank you!

  2. I made 31 pairs of these for my daughter and her Girls on the Run group – the girls loved them! Thanks for the tutorial and I love this 'Soccer mom' series – we're in the middle of soccer and baseball, so thank you!

  3. I made 31 pairs of these for my daughter and her Girls on the Run group – the girls loved them! Thanks for the tutorial and I love this 'Soccer mom' series – we're in the middle of soccer and baseball, so thank you!

  4. I made 31 pairs of these for my daughter and her Girls on the Run group – the girls loved them! Thanks for the tutorial and I love this 'Soccer mom' series – we're in the middle of soccer and baseball, so thank you!

  5. Way to go Alison! Thanks for reading and trying out the tutorial you made my day. If you have a picture of them I'd love it if you'd upload it into flickr account and share the inspiration!

  6. Way to go Alison! Thanks for reading and trying out the tutorial you made my day. If you have a picture of them I'd love it if you'd upload it into flickr account and share the inspiration!

  7. Way to go Alison! Thanks for reading and trying out the tutorial you made my day. If you have a picture of them I'd love it if you'd upload it into flickr account and share the inspiration!


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