How to style a Tie Scrunchie

 It's always fun to have a fresh new accessory. I just listed a bunch of new Scrunchies for sale in my ETSY shop. But lets get to what I really want to talk about today and that is HOW to STYLE a Tie Scrunchie. My friend Summer at Space Coast Foodies and I got together to give you some tie scrunchie styling ideas.

How to Make a Tie Scrunchie: Free Pattern Sheet

Hello! I'm continuing our How To Teach a Sewing Class series today and I'm here to share a resource for teaching a  How to make a Tie Scrunchie class. Teaching a class is so much fun! I love teaching people to sew! One of the tips I gave in my Sewing Class planning post was to simplify the steps of the pattern and write them down so  your students have an at-a-glance reference when you are busy helping someone else.  This is especially helpful when you are trying to teach a lot of people at once. Perhaps you'd like to use it to teach your own Tie Scrunchie class?  Or download it for your own reference as you are making tie scrunchies at home.

How to teach a Sewing Class - 10 Tips to Help You Plan

Hello!! Last week I had the fun opportunity to teach a group of ladies at church how to make pillowcases.  I love teaching people to sew! I often get asked by people wanting me to teach them. I always say YES but people rarely take me up on my offer. Over the years I've taught many group sewing classes at my church and in my home or at a quilt shop and today I'm sharing a few things that I have learned to make teaching a sewing class run smoothly. 

Girl Charlee Fabric haul and Summer Skirt plans

Hello! I live in Florida and it is getting HOT here. I'm usually just a girl who lives in jeans daily but I just can't do it in summer! I am in desperate need of some skirts so I ordered some knit fabric from Girl Charlee Fabrics and it came last week. Want to see my haul?

P.S.Have you checked out Girl Charlee Fabrics? You can't beat their prices (not sponsored)

READ ON TO SEE WHAT I PLAN ON MAKING! (And help hold me accountable)

Grand Adventures quilt in CaliMod

Hey Hey Hey.....I'm back today to show you a quilt finish from this past summer. I am beyond excited that I got this finished because it has been a been a long time coming. I originally finished the top of this quilt about 2 years ago and there is whole crazy story that goes with it so read on if you are curious. 

Got a ruler that slips? Fix it with TrueGrips!

Heads up: this post contains affiliate links.
I've spend my extra time during covid this year mostly painting every bit of my house. But I have been able to carve out a little time to piece some quilts. I did an inventory as I moved my sewing space and found that I have FIVE quilt tops that I never quilted. Gotta get on that! But today I wanted to share a little something that has made cutting all those strips and blocks SOOOOO much easier.  Have you heard of TrueGrips?

Christmas Crafting: DIY Candy Cane present topper

 Just under two weeks until Christmas! December always flies by, doesn't it? I was looking back through my Christmas posts over the years and I found this cute DIY Felt Candy Cane tutorial my sister Rachel did a few years back. I always think its fun to make a little ornament as a gift topper and this one is just so cute with a green tag sitting next to it and some simple twine.

If you want to make a candy cane you can find the tutorial HERE

Big kids can even make this craft if you help them with the hot glue gun. You could also use it as a little teacher gift or tie it around a napkin for your Christmas table. Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm off to make some zipper pouches and then Christmas PJs. Hoping to have them all done by the time my big kids return and take over my workroom, which is only a couple of days away. What are you making for Christmas this year?

Happy Making!

4 Easy DIY Face Mask Tutorials

Hello!!! I'm jumping in the mask making frenzy and I keep getting asked by my non-sewing friends what is a good tutorial to use. So I thought I'd do a quick round up review of some of the ones that I have tried. A couple things to think about before making your home made mask.  I found a good article on an NBC site that suggests using a double layer heavyweight quilting cotton material instead of knit fabric is best. It even suggests that a layer of flannel in between increases the virus filtration. There are many tutorials out there that use elastic loops to go around the ears. The word on the street is that the elastic behind the ears gets painful after a while so if you are making these for Healthcare workers opt for ties instead of elastic. Ties make the fit more adjustable as well.  I used to be a surgical nurse and it is really not as hard to tie these on as you think it might be. Also if you are making masks to donate to Healthcare workers please contact the facility to see if there are any specifications that they require and if they are actually taking donations. In our area there is a local facebook group that is coordinating orders. Take a look, you might have one  for your area too.

**Remember none of these masks are intended to be used as sufficient protection by themselves. Please follow the CDC and WHO guidelines if you are making one for yourself or family member.**

First up is this simple pleated mask by Dana from MADE EVERYDAY. I love her tutorial because it is simple and easy to follow. It includes instructions for ties or elastic, as well as multiple size option. I would say this style is probably the best and easiest if you are making them for yourself to help prevent spread of the virus if you have to go to work or to the store. This tutorial is easy to follow and she has a video too! Find her awesome tutorial HERE.

Next up is this molded version called the Olson Mask. Caroline of Sew Can She made a beautiful tutorial for this mask. The construction is a little more complex but it includes instructions for inserting a removable filter as well. It is more fitted than a pleated face mask and may be the option you are looking for. She also has a great video explaining the process. Check out her tutorial HERE

This next tutorial is also for a fitted mask but is constructed a little differently. It is designed by Suzanna of Hold it Right There. I like this one because it is specifically designed to go over a N95 mask to help prolong the life of those that have to be reused. It is simple and comes with a variety of sizes and tie options as well.  However, this pattern is only for use for those making masks for the Healthcare workers. This feels to big and strange to be worn on it's own anyway  Download the pattern HERE if you are sewing for your local health care facility.

One last tutorial I found a super simple mask designed by Bijou Lovely  for the Million Mask Challenge. You can read all about the project and help make masks to donate.

I hope these are helpful!! Signing out not to go sew a mask! Stay healthy everyone!

Tie Scrunchie Tutorial

Hi sewing friends! As I'm sure you've seen, scrunchies are back!! But have you seen the cute little tie scrunchie versions that are out there? A tie scrunchie is a scrunchie with a little strip of fabric tied onto it to make it look like you've tied a little hair scarf around your pony tail.

Mini Yarn Wreath Pattern Weights

Hi there sewing friends!  I wanted to pop in and show you how to dress up one of my favorite sewing notions. Pattern weights!! These are simple 3/4'' washers that I picked up from Home Depot to use as pattern weights. I thought it would be fun to make them pretty to give a little gift to my mom on her birthday. I've shared how to make Mini Yarn Wreath Pattern Weights  in the past as part of National Sewing Month with The Sewing Loft but I thought it would be fun to share here again too.   I think they are the perfect gift for a fellow sewist, don't you?