Making Halloween- Guardians of the Galaxy

I had a wild week of Halloween sewing last week. I spent any moment of spare time I had sewing Guardians of the Galaxy costumes for my 3 littlest boys.  I'm pretty excited about how all they all turned out. I posted some pics on Instagram but I wanted to post them here too and tell a little about how I made them.
Guardians of the Galaxy Costumes

DIY Party Favor: Pom Pom Pencils

Have you tried making pom poms? A few years ago I went through a pom pom making craze and made ton of them. They are so fun and fast and colorful. Once you learn how to make them with out any tools but your hands and a pair of scissors you won't be able to stop making them. They are great fun to make with friends as a summer boredom buster. Here is a fun idea of what to do with all those pom poms you can't stop making. Put them on a pencil! 

Halloween Bats PDF Sewing Pattern Available Now!

Halloween Bat sewing pattern cover PDF

Hello sewing friends! I have some fun news to share with you today. Our Halloween Bats PDF pattern is done! I'm excited to tell you all about it in today's post. 

Sweetly Gathered Round Hangbag

Hi sewing friends. Are you joining me for the Just for You Sewalong? We are sewing our way through the monthly chapters of Just for You: Selfish Sewing with Your Favorite SewCanShe Bloggers.  We just finished out January and I have a project share with you. Here's my Sweetly Gathered Round Hangbag!

Make a Superman Logo: How to make a Fusible Fabric Applique

I get sidetracked easily.  In life, as well as in sewing.  My littlest is getting into playing dress-up, and even though he is the littlest of 3 boys, we really don't have many of boy costumes that will fit him.  Last week he told me he wanted to be Superman for Halloween. He was Superman for Halloween when he was 1 and his old costume is a bit too small.  It was all he could talk about, so the next day we went to fabric store for some fabric to make a new one.  And because he asked me everyday if his Superman suit was done, I diligently sewed it up last week.

Presenting Superman!

Play Ball!!! A Team Banner Tutorial

How to Make a Team Banner Out of Felt
In my neck of the woods 'tis the season for Spring Baseball.  Though my boys aren't playing ball this season, I was asked to make a team banner just like the one I made for Jack's T-ball team last year. Come learn how to make one just like this!

My Sewing Space

Sewing table organization
One thing that is consistent in my life is that my sewing space is always changing. I rarely have a designated room where I get to sew. But I always give myself a designated space because sewing is a part of me. I love it! I always want to be able to make things and it is so much easier to sew when your machine is set out and ready. It's easy to set up a sewing space in a closet or a corner of a room. Currently, mine is to the side of my bedroom