Football Jersey Fix: How to make a Football Jersey bigger

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Written by

Sarah Markos


How to make a football jersey bigger

Hi there Today I'm kicking off a new sewing series on my blog. It's called Sewing Saves the Day! Today I'll show you how to make a kids "too small" football jersey bigger. One of my favorite things about sewing is that I can use it to fix problems, make my kids dreams come true, and just make my life easier in general. Mostly I feel like these practical projects aren't very blog worthy topics because I may not use pretty fabric or the finished results aren't very visually interesting. But there are so many times when sewing really does save the day.  So I'm going to start sharing them. For my first practical project I want to share a football jersey fix.

How to make a football jersey bigger

Since the word on the street is that I know how to sew, I frequently have people ask me if I can help them out by sewing something for them. I don't always say yes but when really the only way for them to fix a problem is with a sewing machine, I have a hard time saying no.  

For instance my neighbor needed me to help fix a football jersey. He stopped by with his son's Football practice jersey that just wasn't big enough for the poor little guy to get his arms in.  He was already in the biggest uniform available so we brainstormed a little on what we could do fix this. My lawn edger broke a couple of weeks ago and I'm trying to sell my house so he's going to edge for me for a couple of weeks and I'm going to fix his son's uniform. Win Win, right?

Make a football jersey bigger - fabric used for a football jersey

Make a Football Jersey bigger: Add a side panel of performance stretch spandex fabric

I ended up adding a 3" stretchy panel at each side seam and I think it turned out great so today I'm showing you how I did it. First I unpicked the hems on the sleeve and the bottom edge.

Unpick the side seam at the sleeve.  Make a football jersey bigger - add a side panel
Unpick the side seam at the hem

Unpick a serger seam by cutting it off

Then, instead of unpicking the whole side seam I just cut off the serged edge. It saved a ton of time.

Cut off the serged seam
The seam is open from the sleeve to the hem

We picked up some performance stretch spandex and I cut a 3 inch strip that was a little longer than the side seam. I serged along one end.

serge along one edge of a strip of performance stretch spandex

Then, with right sides together I sewed it on to each side seam aligning the serged end with the unhemmed edge of the sleeve. You can also sew this with zig zag stitch or an overlock stitch. Using Wooly Nylon in the bobbin of the machine will also make the seam more stretchy.

Make a football jersey bigger - sew in a side panel

At the bottom, I just cut off the excess and serged along that end as well.

trim the extra fabric
add overlock stitching

How to hem a football jersey

Then all that was left to do was hem the sleeve and bottom again. I used a double needle on my regular sewing do that. I also experimented with using the "Wooly" nylon in the bobbin. Its a fuzzy thread that's slightly stretchy. This brand calls it Bulky nylon.

Wooly Nylon overlocking thread.

Hopefully the stitches won't pull out as easily when the hem gets stretched.

hem with a double needle

And there you have it.  A pretty quick fix and now he can easily get it on and off.

make a football jersey larger

I love it when sewing saves the day!!

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About Sarah Markos

Hi, my name is Sarah Markos and I love to sew! Mostly things out of fabric. I'm a little addicted to buying and looking at fabric. Especially vibrant, colorful fabric. I love to make things like Halloween Costumes, Pillows, Clothes, Quilts, but most especially Handbags.

24 thoughts on “Football Jersey Fix: How to make a Football Jersey bigger”

  1. Hi Susan, this is such a great idea! Thank you for sharing.
    I'm in a bit of the opposite situation at my house. We have a football jersey that is too big. Shrinking didn't work, so I've decided to remove the solid strip that runs along the side. The trouble is, it runs partially up the back shoulder before connecting to the top/front shoulder section. I'd hate to cut and resize the shoulders and sleeves but it's looking that way.
    What kind of modifications or pattern do you recommend?

  2. Instead of taking out the panel I would just sew a new side seam from the sleeve to under the arm. Lay the shirt flat while inside outta find where to place the side seam. Ignore the paneling and treat it as if it wasn’t there. Do you think that would work with your situation?

  3. Instead of taking out the panel I would just sew a new side seam from the sleeve to under the arm. Lay the shirt flat while inside outta find where to place the side seam. Ignore the paneling and treat it as if it wasn’t there. Do you think that would work with your situation?

  4. Thank U for showing us how to make a jersey larger, n not smaller. My Gson, is in HIS first year of football. He is a big guy, who wears a 4X. They only have 2X. Can I still use the same technique? If so, how much would I need to add to make it fit right?


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