Monster Donut Pops

Monster Donut Pops!! If you follow me on instagram @bluesusanmakes you've already seen them. Here is a closer look at these fun treats I made these to take to Jack's class for his birthday.  We were going to take chocolate chip cookies but we were walking through the grocery store and he spotted donuts to take instead.  I told them I might be able turn them into something fun and he said go for it.

DIY Hulk Costume - How to Sew Muscles

How to Sew Muscles in a costume

I LOVE Halloween!  We are so excited that it is almost here.  Mostly what I love about Halloween is the challenge of making my kid's Halloween Costumes.  This weekend I had a little extra time on my hands so I figured out how to make a simple Hulk costume, complete with muscles. Come see how to sew muscles in a costume.

Halloween Bat Pillow Tutorial

Hello sewing friends! My mom and sister made the cutest little Halloween pillow the other day. It is a cute little bat shaped stuffie that sits on your couch! I couldn’t let them have all the fun so I got my hands on their pattern and made one too. Isn’t the design so cute?!!

Soccer Mom Series: Waterproof Blanket Tutorial

Soccer Mom Series: Waterproof Blanket Tutorial
Hi everyone!  Have you ever sat down on grass that you thought was dry only to feel water seeping through your pants after you've sat there for a minute?  No fun!  Well today I'm sharing a little blanket you can make to sit on so that will never happen again!  

A Biscornu Pincushion

It's beginning to feel just a little bit like Fall here.  After all, the temperature dropped to about 60 degrees one night this week.  It's not much but it took the edge off the heat just a smidge. I just came home from the store with Pumpkins! I've got to figure out a way to decorate for Halloween while still keeping our house ready to "show" since we are still trying to sell it. Anyhow, my Mom's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and I made her a little pincushion. Not that she needs another pincushion, as she is a doll clothing designer and has many pincushions on her table, but this little Biscornu was such an intriguing and easy design I just had to try it out.

Baby Zoo Animal Softies to Sew: Hand illustrated PDF Patterns

Baby Zoo Animal Softies to Sew - PDF patterns by Sew Nedra

This is Rachel, Sarah's sister. My mom, Nedra, and I have hacked Sarah's blog to show off the softie patterns we have listed in the Etsy Shop. Nedra designed all of these and we had a whole lot of fun sewing them up. 

Visiting Bee’s Quilt Shop and Studio – St. Augustine FL


Bee’s Quilt Shop and Studio – St. Augustine FL

Hello Sewing Friends! I had a fun weekend in St. Augustine and we decided to stop at a cute quilt shop on our way out. Bee’s Quilt Shopand Studio did not disappoint! Come with me for a peek inside!

Sweet Caroline Girlfriend Clutch and an Easy Baby Shower gift

Sweet Caroline Girlfriend clutch - Leather accents - Strip Piecing quilted front

Hello!! Check out my fun experiment  using a strip quilting technique on this Girlfriend Clutch.  I had a little fun at my sewing machine trying something new.

Experimenting with Mini Pouches to make a Cell Phone Pouch

Experimenting with Mini Pouches to make a Cell Phone PouchOne year made a Cell Phone Zipper Pouch for a friend that took a little experimenting.  (Take #1 is on the Right, Take #2 is on the Left) We finally got it right and discovered a few things I thought I'd share.

10 Must have Sewing Tools that Make Sewing Easier and More Fun

10 Must have Sewing Tools for Easy Sewing - Go beyond the basics to make Sewing more enjoyable

If you know me at all you know I'm a basics girl. I don't need all the extra in any area of my life. I'm usually not one to go out and try all the new things and rely on just the right gadgets to do the job. BUT, I have found that going beyond the basics and having the right sewing tools for the job really does make sewing so much easier and less frustrating. Less frustration means more sewing satisfaction and keeps me coming back for more. So here is a round up of the 'beyond the basic' sewing tools I keep at my fingertips to make my sewing life easier and fun.